
Happy October and welcome to my blog! I was intentional on debuting my blog today as October is my favorite month for many reasons. Growing up in the Midwest I experienced true fall. The crisp fall air and the leaves changing to a gorgeous pallet of red, orange, and yellow. Sweaters and pumpkin farms and apple orchards… you get the idea. But the best part of October? HALLOWEEN!! Oh, how I love Halloween and all that comes with it. Especially horror movies! And haunted houses, but we are here to talk about films/TV. Let me give you some history…

Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s all the cool kids were watching The Simpsons and Beverly Hills 90210. Those shows were not allowed in my house. I’m not entirely clear why but I assume my mom found them inappropriate for my age. Would you like to know what was allowed? Poltergeist. Pet Sematary. Critters– anyone remember that one?? Why my mom decided that kids watching little fur ball creatures with very sharp teeth eat their way out of the stomachs of their victims and then eat everyone else in town was better than some crude jokes on an animated TV show is still beyond me to this day. Stephen King books littered our house and The Twilight Zone or The X-Files would often be on TV. I grew up with it all around me. I can only deduct that my love for all things scary and strange came from my mother.

So here we are today. For the past two years, I’ve made it a point to watch one horror movie every day for the entire month of October. My own version of 31 Days of Halloween if you will (see the SyFy channel). Here’s the thing, it takes a lot to scare me. Most of the time my response to a movie will be, “not scary enough!”. Side note, “gore”, does not equal, “scary”. But we’ll get into that later. My plan this year is to document what I watch this month and give quick reviews/recommendations. My quick review will be on my instagram page daily and once a week I’ll do a recap of what I watched (and what I thought) here on the blog. If I planned ahead I’d give my list of movies for the week at the beginning but we aren’t quite there yet. So follow along and share your love of (horror) movies with me this month! Happy Halloween!
